Fortnight 3 – Day 2 (8 Week Challenge)

For workout two we will be focusing on the chest muscle group. Cover the full chest range of upper, mid and lower chest this range of exercises will provide a good even coverage for your chest with slight work in the triceps as well to aid with arm toning.

Perform the below for a 2 week period each session should begin with a 20 minute cardiovascular warm-up. Be sure to remain well hydrated through the duration and after the session has concluded.


Man performing the TRX assisted push up
The TRX assisted incline press is a regression and stepping stone to the full TRX incline press. While it is a cut down version of the full exercise it is not easy. This exercise will work your core and shoulders leaving you with an effective burn if performed correctly.
TRX Pro 4 Strap
The TRX Wide dip exercise takes the already difficult bar dip exercise, which is somewhat stable and adds an unstable element to it, similar to using the rings in gymnastics. Because of this, there is greater shoulder stability that is required from this movement.
Man performing the TRX fly
The TRX Chest flye resembles a cable flye, or even a pec deck type flye. It is less of a compound exercise as the TRX push Up, which means the triceps and shoulders are not assisting with this movement. Because of this, the angle at which you will position yourself in order to effectively perform.
Man performing the TRX Pike
The TRX Pike Push Up is to movements in one exercise: a pike position, then a pushup. Having the TRX straps hooked on the feet as opposed to the hands creates more of a challenge for your core muscles, as opposed to just the upper body.
TRX Pro 4 Strap
The TRX Pallof Press may appear to be a bilateral exercise, however, it needs to be performed on either side to be balanced. Although it appears to be a dynamic exercise, there is an isometric portion to this movement, offering a unique way to stabilize the shoulder girdle.
Man performing a TRX push up
A good working capacity with the plank is required to perform this exercise. Although this may seem like an incline pushup, there is also a rotational force running through the body, due to only one foot bound within the TRX strap. Therefore, this exercise is not only a great upper body exercise.

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