TRX Wide Grip Rows

Man performing the TRX high row

The TRX Wide Grip Rows is similar to the Low Row and Inverted Row. The major difference is the arms are abducted at about 45-75 degrees, which takes the Latissumus Dorsi out of the equation and puts more stress a the Rear Delts, Rhomboids, and Middle/Lower Traps. That makes these exercises biomechanically more difficult to execute,

Primary muscles worked

  • Shoulders

Secondary muscles worked

  • Lower Back
  • Calves

Body Part:




Step 1: From a standing position, hold onto the TRX handles with palms facing down, and elbows held up at around 45-75 degrees.

Step 2: Lean back, extending arms, engaging your back muscles and keeping heels on the floor (you are supporting yourself at a 45-degree angle from the standing position)

Step 3: Pull your ab inwards, engaging your core muscles, while tightening your buttock muscles (your body should either form a straight line at a 45-degree angle, with your heels on the floor or a seated position, with knees and hips bent)

Step 4: Pull yourself upwards, focusing on depressing and retracting (ie: bringing together) your shoulder blades, all the while keeping your elbows held out at 45-75 degrees.

Step 5: Lower yourself back to the starting position, in a controlled fashion.

Step 6: Repeat.


How to progress the exercise

In order to have better control of the shoulder stabilizers in this exercise, start performing the exercise with knees and hips bent at 90 degrees (seated position). From there, you can progress to a straight-bodied position, then to a more horizontal position.

Additional Information

Tip: The progression of this exercise will be a lot slower, due to the lack of bigger lat muscle engagement. Due to this, it is better to begin the exercise in a more upright position to better work the smaller shoulder girdle muscles with proper form.

Man performing the TRX high row



Man performing the TRX body saw with crunch

TRX Body Saw with Crunch

The TRX body saw with crunch may look easy but this subtle movement will make your core burn. It will help you to develop the perfect plank as you rock forward and backwards. You’ll feel your core, abdominals and shoulder muscles working more when you slide back.

Man performing the TRX standing roll out

TRX Anti-Extension Fallout

The TRX Anti-Extension Fallout is precisely to avoid spinal extension by maintaining a very strong plank throughout the movement. The TRX Kneeling Fallout is an easier version of this exercise and should be mastered before performing the straight legged Fallout.

Man performing the TRX mountain climber

TRX Mountain Climber

The TRX Mountain Climber exercise begins in a similar position as the Suspended Jackknife. The difference is you are performing a ‘Mountain Climber’ which is alternating knees to chest, as opposed to both at the same time. Great exercise for explosive training, which working shoulder and core stability.


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