TRX Body Saw with Crunch

Man performing the TRX body saw with crunch

The TRX body saw with crunch may look easy but this subtle movement will make your core burn. It will help you to develop the perfect plank as you rock forward and backwards. You’ll feel your core, abdominals and shoulder muscles working more when you slide back because you’re changing the center of gravity and that forces you to engage your core even more.

Primary muscles worked

  • Abs

Secondary muscles worked

  • Shoulders
  • Rectus Femoris

Body Part:


Step 1: Anchor the TRX effectively, adjust the straps to mid-calf length.

Step 2: Begin in a suspended forearm plank position, elbows directly underneath your shoulders, hands flat, firmly pressing into the ground, feet in the TRX loops, toes facing down.

Step 3: Engaging your core, rock forward about two to three inches so that your shoulders are slightly in front of your elbows. (ensure the body stays straight; don’t drop the hips).

Step 4: Then, slide back so that your shoulders are about two to three inches behind your elbows.

Step 5: Draw your knees towards your chest, keeping your hips level.

Step 6: Straighten your legs back out into a plank position.

Step 7: Repeat.

How to progress the exercise

Increase difficulty by leaning on a Bosu with your elbows to increase instability and work your core even harder.

Additional Information

Tip: If you fatigue too quickly on this exercise remove the crunch and just perform a standard TRX body saw.

Man performing the TRX body saw with crunch



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