TRX Anti-Extension Fallout

Man performing the TRX standing roll out

The TRX Anti-Extension Fallout is precisely to avoid spinal extension by maintaining a very strong plank throughout the movement. The TRX Kneeling Fallout is an easier version of this exercise and should be mastered before performing the straight legged Fallout. Both of these exercises are variations of a Swiss ball rollout or Ab Roller movement. The emphasis is placed on the core muscles, plus a good amount of shoulder stability is required, due to the forces applied to them.

Primary muscles worked

  • Core

Secondary muscles worked

  • Shoulders
  • Hip Stabilisers

Body Part:




Step 1: Assume a strong plank position at a 45-degree angle, holding your feet further than shoulder width apart for more stability; glutes, core and shoulders are nicely engaged,

Step 2: Set the TRX straps to a few inches off the floor. Hold onto each handle and brace your arms downward before beginning this movement.

Step 3: Raise your arms forward in a controlled manner. Synchronize the movement by subsequently lowering your body until it is as close to in line with your outstretched arms as possible.

Step 4: From the fully extended position, begin to get yourself back up to the starting position by pressing downward with your extended arms. Maintain the straight line of your body from your head to your knees by keeping your core engaged, and your glutes tight.

Step 5: Repeat this movement several times.

How to progress the exercise

The further you lean back into this exercise, the more challenging it becomes. Also, holding the front leg slightly off the floor will add more core activation to this exercise.

Additional Information

Holding a strong plank is important for this exercise. If a revision is needed, refer to the TRX Plank.

Man performing the TRX standing roll out



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