TRX Power Pull

Man performing a TRX single arm reach

The TRX Power Pull is of benefit in two ways: 1. This exercise is of a rotational nature, meaning that you are working on a Transverse plane, as opposed to the usual Saggital (front to back movements) or Frontal plane (side to side movements). Most of the movement we do tend to be in the Saggital plane, like running, pushing, pulling, etc, so adding transversal plane movements help to balance out the workload you do. 2. This exercise is more unilateral, meaning, you are working one side/ one arm at a time. This also another way to balance out the body, as we tend to be stronger on one side over the other. This will be more evident when training with one arm at a time, so adjustments can be made to equalize both sides.

Primary muscles worked

  • Shoulders

Secondary muscles worked

  • Abs
  • Middle Back

Body Part:




Step 1: Begin by standing a foot or two away from the TRX anchor; facing it; feet are shoulder width apart.

Step 2: Hold both straps together in one hand, shortening the straps as needed, and pull them into your chest.

Step 3: The other arm is outstretched in front of you, touching the extended TRX strap.

Step 4: From this starting position, leading with the outstretched arm, begin to slowly lean back and rotate towards that arm, until you end up with both arms outstretched, in the form of a T.

Step 5: From this outstretched position, pull yourself back up to the starting position, first by retracting and depressing the shoulder blade of the pulling arm, then bending at the arm.

Step 6: Repeat the movement with each arm


How to progress the exercise

Two levels of progression for this exercise are the following:

1. Executing this movement with the legs straight (L-sit), keeping the heels on the floor throughout the movement

2. Same as number 1, however maintaining the L-sit as you pull yourself upward (legs and feet come off the floor)

Additional Information

Tip: The reduced load on your upper body by keeping feet on the ground and bent, allows you to concentrate on the targeted back muscles in order to progress to a stronger pull-up. Progress the movement as needed by incrementally extending your legs outwards, as this lengthens the pulling lever of your body, making your muscles work more. If you are unable to maintain a vertical torso in the beginning position (ie: knees bent, feet flat on the floor), it is advised to work on posterior chain flexibility and core strength separately, in order to properly position your body for maximum benefit.

Man performing a TRX single arm reach



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