TRX Split Squat Y Fly

Man performing TRX Split Squat Y Fly

The TRX split Squat with Y Deltoid Fly is a good preparatory exercise for Weight lifting exercises where you need the barbell held up and behind you whilst you are squatting (the Overhead Squat) or lunging. Not only is good anterior shoulder girdle (esp. the pectorals) and Thoracic spine flexibility required, but good shoulder and core strength are needed to maintain that 'open' position, while keeping a good posture throughout the lower body exercise. In other words, it's a great posture fixer-upper!

Primary muscles worked

  • Shouders

Secondary muscles worked

  • Arms
Body Part

Body Part: ,






Step 1: Stand upright in the split squat position with arms overhead, facing away from the anchor point; the front foot is flat on the floor, and the back foot is on the ball of the foot.

Step 2: The TRX straps are set to mid length, one hand in each of the handles, holding your arms overhead, in a ‘Y’ position, keeping tension on the straps.

Step 3: Begin to bring the back knee down towards the floor, maintaining your core engaged, and arms overhead/behind you.

Step 4: Focus on the stretch in the rear leg hip flexor, as well as ‘opening up’ your chest and shoulders.

Step 5: Push from both legs to get yourself back up to the starting position.

Step 6: Repeat this movement several times before switching legs.

How to progress the exercise

Similar to the Bulgarian Split Squat, the Lateral Squat can be progressed through the use of a weight vest, dumbbells, or by adding a hop into the movement. Standing on a balance disc or BOSU further increases the difficulty of this exercise.

Additional Information

It is especially important in a side/lateral movement, to ensure the proper alignment of the hips, knees, and toes. Sometimes this may not be possible due to lack of flexibility/mobility in the adductor or internal rotator muscles of the hip/thigh. If this is the case, care must be taken to work on increasing flexibility, while in the meantime, adjusting the range of motion appropriately.

Man performing TRX Split Squat Y Fly



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